Dr.-Phil. <br />Natasha Aruri

Natasha Aruri

Scien­tific Staff | 

Raum: B 105
Tel: 030 – 314 28157
Fax: 030 – 314 28153


nach Verein­ba­rung per E‑mail

since 2018 Visi­ting Professor (Vertre­tungs­pro­fessur) Urban Design, Dessau Inter­na­tional Archi­tec­ture (DIA) / Hoch­schule Anhalt.
since 2019 Post-Doc Rese­ar­cher – LABOR K – Institut für Stadt- und Regio­nal­pla­nung (ISR) | TU Berlin.
since 2017 City Rese­arch Team Lead (Ramallah) – GenUrb: „Urba­niza­tion, gender and the global south: a trans­for­ma­tive know­ledge network“ – directed by City Insti­tute, York Univer­sity, Toronto and supported by SSHRC, Canada
2016 – 2017 Rese­arch Asso­ciate – Global Soil Forum, IASS Insti­tute for Advanced Sustaina­bi­lity Studies, Potsdam
2013 – 2015 Coor­di­nator of the 7th Inter­na­tional Confe­rence of Critical Geography, ICCG 2015
2011 – 2015 Doctoral Disser­ta­tion “100 x Ramallah: imagi­na­tions, other­ness, and (de)colonisation in anti­spaces of sumud, 1914–2014”, Advanced Rese­arch in Urban Systems Program, UDE
2013 External Rese­ar­cher & Ex-Post Evaluator:  German Deve­lo­p­ment Bank, KfW
2011 – 2014 Consul­tant:  I CAN MOVE commu­nity dance Project at Youth, Art and Levante
2010 – 2011 Outreach Consul­tant & Rese­ar­cher: Prosper Pales­tine, Ministry of Economy, Pales­ti­nian Authority
2008 – 2010 Masters dual degree “Inter­na­tional Coope­ra­tion in Urban Deve­lo­p­ment”, TU-Darm­stadt and “Housing, Urba­ni­sa­tion & Sustaina­bi­lity in Deve­lo­p­ment Context”, UIC Barcelona
2008 Assistant Rese­ar­cher in external evalua­tion mission: LASUR-EPFL & German Deve­lo­p­ment Bank, KfW
2007 – 2008 Archi­tect & Rese­ar­cher: Beth­lehem Area Conser­va­tion & Manage­ment Plan, UNESCO
2007 External Rese­ar­cher & Ex-Post Evaluator:  German Deve­lo­p­ment Bank, KfW
2006 – 2008 Coor­di­nator:  Shurouq Cultural Center, Peace and Freedom Youth Forum, Palestine
2001 – 2006 Bachelor of Archi­tec­tural Engi­nee­ring, Birzeit Univer­sity, Pales­tine
2019 – 2022 Critical Mapping in Muni­ci­pa­list Move­ments (CMMM) – Robert Bosch Stif­tung  (SPIEL­RAUM)
2018 – 2020 Mapping for Change? Critical carto­graphy approa­ches to drive socio-envi­ron­mental urban trans­for­ma­tions. – Volks­wagen Stiftung
2017 – 2023 GenUrb – Urba­niza­tion, Gender, and the Global South: a trans­for­ma­tive know­ledge network The City Insti­tute at York Univer­sity (CITY), Toronto (supported by: SSHRC, Canada)

2016 – 2017

Walking Debates: Nairobi and Berlin | IASS Potsdam
2013, 2007, 2008  External Rese­ar­cher & Ex-Post Evaluator:  German Deve­lo­p­ment Bank, KfW
2011 – 2015 Doctoral Disser­ta­tion “100 x Ramallah: imagi­na­tions, other­ness, and (de)colonisation in anti­spaces of sumud, 1914–2014
since 2018 Visi­ting Professor (Vertre­tungs­pro­fessur) Urban Design, Dessau Inter­na­tional Archi­tec­ture (DIA) / Hoch­schule Anhalt,  with the weekly Lecture Series “Urba­nism” and a Masters level Design Studio.
2018 Guest Professor at the Royal Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy (KTH) within the “Urba­nism Studies” Masters Program, for the module “Inter­na­tional Place­ma­king Studio – Rethin­king the Public Realm”, with the Studio “Place­ma­king Berlin: Bundes­allee
2017 Guest Lecturer at the Global Poli­tics Seasonal School in Jordan “Cities in Global Times: Perspec­tives from the MENA Region and Europe”, orga­nised by the Free Univer­sity, Berlin and the German Jorda­nian Univer­sity, Amman, with the module “Envi­sio­ning Urban Gover­nance Anew”.
2016 Guest Trainer on concepts of re-clai­ming urban space at the work­shop on pedago­gical tools and dance therapy by Yante in Pales­tine, with the module “TAYSEER: The Walk/Working Class”
2014 Guest Lecturer at the TU-Darm­stadt “Inter­na­tional Coope­ra­tion in Urban Deve­lo­p­ment” Masters Program, with the module “Urba­nism as Medium of Conte­sta­tion: State (un-)Making, Uncer­tainty, and Deve­lo­p­ment through Civic Economies”
2013 Guest Lecturer at the Master’s Degree in Urban Systems, UDE, with the module “Urban Conflict Manage­ment – iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, analysis, media­tion & moderation”
2012 Guest Trainer at Yante I CAN MOVE trai­ning of trai­ners program with the module “Commu­ni­ca­tion Skills and Project-Team Coordination”
Awards & Scholarships
2011 Hans Böckler Stif­tung Promo­ti­ons­för­de­rungs­pro­gramm, 36-month scho­lar­ship for conduc­ting the doctoral research.
2010 ARUS: Advanced Rese­arch in Urban Systems, UDE, 6‑month scho­lar­ship to commence doctoral research.
2008 Euro­pean Union – Erasmus Mundus Urbano (Double-Masters) Scholarship.

– For awards and scho­lar­ships earlier than 2008 please get in contact –

Talks & Workshops
2019 / Toronto Presen­ta­tion: Bring back “small poli­tics’ into know­ledge produc­tion, at “Femi­nist Explo­ra­tions of Urban Futures” Inter­na­tional Confe­rence, City Insti­tute, York University.
2019 / Athens Presen­ta­tion: Ram•allah: The Watch­tower. GenUrb Panel and Work­shop “September in the City: Rhythms in the making of lives and cities”, ICCG 2019
2018 / London Presen­ta­tion: Forging Soli­da­rity, Taking a Stand on Pales­tine, with Dr. Omar Jabary Sala­manca at the “Confe­ren­cing the Inter­na­tional. Spaces of Modern Inter­na­tio­na­lism” confe­rence by The Univer­sity of Nottingham at the Royal Geogra­phical Society.
2018 / Berlin Curator and mode­rator | Round­table “The Power of Mapping” @ Urba­nize! Festival Berlin | ZK/U
2018 / Ramallah Curator and mode­rator | Round­table “Women make cities: how to centra­lise our visions and roles?”, GenUrb Project, at Khalil alSaka­kini Cultural Center.
2018 / Ramallah Presen­ta­tion: Recon­fi­gu­ring Anti­spaces in Ramallah, at the “Towards Anti-Hege­monic Know­ledge Para­digms: Space, Place, Mobi­lity and Power” Confe­rence, Birzeit University.
2017 / Berlin Parti­ci­pant: 24-Stunden Work­shop “Spiel­raum – Urbane Trans­for­ma­tionen gestalten” | Robert Bosch Stiftung
2017 / Madaba Presen­ta­tion: Recon­fi­gu­ring Anti­spaces in Ramallah, at the “Reclai­ming Public Space in Metro­po­litan Areas” Confe­rence, German Jorda­nian University.
2017 / Berlin Host and curator (with Katleen De Flander) “Walking Debate: Berlin” @ Global Soil Week 2017
2016 / Nairobi Host and curator (with Katleen De Flander) “Walking Debate: Nairobi” @ African Soil Seminar

– For talks and work­shops earlier than 2016 please get in contact –
