More information about the courses of LABOR K Re: Project/Studio Selection @ISR please follow the link below:
K LAB is a laboratory for contemporary communication of urban contents (in its widest sense) docked at the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning (ISR), TU Berlin. Main tasks include the areas of KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION (own research projects), KARTOGRAPHY services (geo-visualization & re-presentation), KNOWLEDGE MOBILIZATION (knowledge transfer & Public Relations) and KOORDINATION in teaching (projects & methods).
K LAB develops independent research projects at national and international levels, working in close collaboration with the ISR departments as well as with other institutes, organizations and urban actors. The focus of its inter- and transdisciplinary research lies on the communication of and on the urban, its visualizations, representations and mediations. We understand communication not as a unidirectional presentation of information, but rather as a multidirectional dialogue – i.e. exchange, mediation, and re-negotiation of our understandings of the urban and its spaces. Communication as a two-footed practice, pivoting on PRODUCTION & PRESENTATION of content and media on one side (i.e. the organization and visualization of information); and on the other, the INTERACTION of stakeholders and EXCHANGE of information for the purpose of constructive deliberation.
A core area of K LAB is the production of maps – both for its own research activities and to support research and teaching tasks at the ISR, as well as for external clients. Maps and mapping play a central role in our projects, not as ends in itself but as tools to help navigating contemporary urban complexities. The linking of different quantitative and qualitative data (e.g. social, economic, legal, historical, design), their localization in space and time, and their presentation and dissemination by means of different tools and methods are central aspects of our work. In addition to its (Geo-) Visualization-Workshop, K LAB maintains a collection of analogue and digital maps – including historical Berlin maps and different Geodata for use in research and teaching.
K LAB contributes to debates on the urban through the organization of conversations and events, as well as through the dissemination and publication of research results of the ISR using various communication channels. One of these is the Publications Office at K LAB which – in cooperation with the TU Berlin central library – offers two print formats: ‘Workbooks’ and ‘Special Publications’, and one online format: ‘ISR Impulse Online’ under Open Access license (CC BY 4.0).
Postal Address
Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät VI – Planen Bauen Umwelt
Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR)
Sekretariat B10
Hardenbergstr. 40A
D – 10623 Berlin
The Institute of Urban & Regional Planning (ISR)
is located in Building B.
ISR Archive
The ISR Archive contains publications from the institute, various journals as well as project reports and theses. For technical reasons, the old OPAC can no longer be accessed, but we are putting PDF files online in which the inventory of the archive is gradually being documented. Lending is not possible, but there are two desks and a reading corner. No appointments need to be made, but we ask that you communicate with each other about the duration of your stay if there are more people wanting to work in the archive than there are places. We also ask that you wear an FFP2 mask when entering the archive and when moving around the rooms. The mask can be removed at the desk.
Bachelorarbeiten_ISR_Stand_SoSe_2022 Masterarbeiten_ISR_Stand_SoSe_2022
Rooms: B 316–318
Opening hours: Tuesday, 10 am – 1 pm + 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
The ISR Archive is closed during the lecture free period (until 30.09.2022).
Ms. Andrea Aho (Bluhm)
Room: B 221
Phone: +49 (0) 30 – 314 28098
Fax: +49 (0) 30 – 314 28153
Office Hours