More infor­ma­tion about the courses of LABOR K

Re: Project/Studio Selec­tion @ISR please follow the link below:

K LAB is a labo­ra­tory for contem­po­rary commu­ni­ca­tion of urban contents (in its widest sense) docked at the Insti­tute of Urban and Regional Plan­ning (ISR), TU Berlin. Main tasks include the areas of KNOWLEDGE PRODUC­TION (own rese­arch projects), KARTO­GRAPHY services (geo-visua­liza­tion & re-presen­ta­tion), KNOWLEDGE MOBI­LIZA­TION (know­ledge transfer & Public Rela­tions) and KOORDI­NA­TION in teaching (projects & methods).


K LAB deve­lops inde­pen­dent rese­arch projects at national and inter­na­tional levels, working in close colla­bo­ra­tion with the ISR depart­ments as well as with other insti­tutes, orga­niza­tions and urban actors. The focus of its inter- and trans­di­sci­pli­nary rese­arch lies on the commu­ni­ca­tion of and on the urban, its visua­liza­tions, repre­sen­ta­tions and media­tions. We under­stand commu­ni­ca­tion not as a unidi­rec­tional presen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion, but rather as a multi­di­rec­tional dialogue – i.e. exch­ange, media­tion, and re-nego­tia­tion of our under­stan­dings of the urban and its spaces. Commu­ni­ca­tion as a two-footed prac­tice, pivo­ting on PRODUC­TION & PRESEN­TA­TION of content and media on one side (i.e. the orga­niza­tion and visua­liza­tion of infor­ma­tion); and on the other, the INTER­AC­TION of stake­hol­ders and EXCH­ANGE of infor­ma­tion for the purpose of cons­truc­tive deliberation.


A core area of K LAB is the produc­tion of maps – both for its own rese­arch acti­vi­ties and to support rese­arch and teaching tasks at the ISR, as well as for external clients. Maps and mapping play a central role in our projects, not as ends in itself but as tools to help navi­ga­ting contem­po­rary urban comple­xi­ties. The linking of diffe­rent quan­ti­ta­tive and quali­ta­tive data (e.g. social, economic, legal, histo­rical, design), their loca­liza­tion in space and time, and their presen­ta­tion and disse­mi­na­tion by means of diffe­rent tools and methods are central aspects of our work. In addi­tion to its (Geo-) Visua­liza­tion-Work­shop, K LAB main­tains a coll­ec­tion of analogue and digital maps – inclu­ding histo­rical Berlin maps and diffe­rent Geodata for use in rese­arch and teaching.


K LAB contri­butes to debates on the urban through the orga­niza­tion of conver­sa­tions and events, as well as through the disse­mi­na­tion and publi­ca­tion of rese­arch results of the ISR using various commu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels. One of these is the Publi­ca­tions Office at K LAB which – in coope­ra­tion with the TU Berlin central library – offers two print formats: ‘Work­books’ and ‘Special Publi­ca­tions’, and one online format: ‘ISR Impulse Online’ under Open Access license (CC BY 4.0).


Last but not least, K LAB is the Coor­di­na­tion Unit that helps the diffe­rent ISR depart­ments orga­nize their inte­gra­tive theory-prac­tice project studios, a core element in the ISR degree programs in Urban and Regional Plan­ning and Urban Design. In addi­tion, K LAB covers a great part of the methods teaching at ISR; inclu­ding methods and tools for both rese­arch and design.


Postal Address
Tech­ni­sche Univer­sität Berlin
Fakultät VI – Planen Bauen Umwelt
Institut für Stadt- und Regio­nal­pla­nung (ISR)
Sekre­ta­riat B10
Harden­bergstr. 40A
D – 10623 Berlin

The Insti­tute of Urban & Regional Plan­ning (ISR)
is located in Buil­ding B.

ISR Archive

The ISR Archive contains publi­ca­tions from the insti­tute, various jour­nals as well as project reports and theses. For tech­nical reasons, the old OPAC can no longer be accessed, but we are putting PDF files online in which the inven­tory of the archive is gradu­ally being docu­mented. Lending is not possible, but there are two desks and a reading corner. No appoint­ments need to be made, but we ask that you commu­ni­cate with each other about the dura­tion of your stay if there are more people wanting to work in the archive than there are places. We also ask that you wear an FFP2 mask when ente­ring the archive and when moving around the rooms. The mask can be removed at the desk.


Bachelorarbeiten_ISR_Stand_SoSe_2022 Masterarbeiten_ISR_Stand_SoSe_2022

Rooms: B 316–318

Opening hours: Tuesday, 10 am – 1 pm + 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

The ISR Archive is closed during the lecture free period (until 30.09.2022).

Ms. Andrea Aho (Bluhm)
Room: B 221
Phone: +49 (0) 30 – 314 28098
Fax: +49 (0) 30 – 314 28153

Office Hours