Yossr Abouelnour

Yossr Abouel­nour

Intern |­ Prak­ti­kantin

Raum: B 106
Tel: 030 – 314 28058


nach Verein­ba­rung per E‑mail

seit 2024 Prak­tikum LABOR K – Institut für Stadt- und Regio­nal­pla­nung (ISR) | TU Berlin.
2020 Aufnahme des Studiums MSc Urban Manage­ment | TU Berlin
2019 Lecturer | Ajman University
2018 Teaching assistant | Univer­sity of Toronto
2017 Urban Desi­gner | Acronym Urban Design and Plan­ning, Toronto
2016–2018 Master of Urban Design (MUD) | Univer­sity of Toronto
2015–2016 Junior Archi­tect | Polis Archi­tec­ture Front, Dubai
2014 Intern­ship | Damac Proper­ties, Dubai
2013 Intern­ship | URBAN INCD INCERC, Bucharest
2010–2015 B.Sc. Archi­tec­tural Engi­nee­ring | Ajman University


2022 Thesis: Impacts of remote educa­tion on student mobi­lity patterns, the case of USTF, Fujairah
2018 MUD Gradua­tion Project: Towards Urban Resus­ci­ta­tion: Reju­ve­na­ting without repli­ca­ting – Down­town Cairo
2017 MUD Cour­se­work: Toronto Parking to Parks- Design Oriented Analy­tics for the Contem­po­rary City 
Wett­be­werbe & Auszeichnungen
2018 Academic Honours | Univer­sity of Toronto | John H. Daniels Faculty of Archi­tec­ture, Land­scape and Design
2016–2017 Univer­sity of Toronto Fellow­ship | John H. Daniels Faculty of Archi­tec­ture, Land­scape and Design
2015 AIUPC Urban Design Award | Ajman Inter­na­tional Urban Plan­ning Conference
Vorträge & Workshops
2021 Impacts of remote educa­tion on student mobi­lity patterns and their subse­quent envi­ron­mental conse­quences | Urban Manage­ment Across Conti­nents Confe­rence, December 14–15, 2021.
2020 Urban Iden­tity in a Pola­rised Metro­polis: Exami­ning Urban Strengths and Weak­ne­sses of Informal Sett­le­ments and Gated Commu­ni­ties in the Greater Cairo Area | AGYA Confe­rence (‘Housing and Iden­tity in the Context of Metro­po­liza­tion’), October 14–15, 2020.
2015 Leading a work­shop on InDe­sign Funda­men­tals and Thesis Prepa­ra­tion for Archi­tec­ture Students | Ajman University

Egyp­tian Engi­neers Syndicate