Natasha Aruri
Scientific Staff |
Raum: B 105
Tel: 030 – 314 28157
Fax: 030 – 314 28153
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since 2018 | Visiting Professor (Vertretungsprofessur) Urban Design, Dessau International Architecture (DIA) / Hochschule Anhalt. |
since 2019 | Post-Doc Researcher – LABOR K – Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR) | TU Berlin. |
since 2017 | City Research Team Lead (Ramallah) – GenUrb: „Urbanization, gender and the global south: a transformative knowledge network“ – directed by City Institute, York University, Toronto and supported by SSHRC, Canada |
2016 – 2017 | Research Associate – Global Soil Forum, IASS Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam |
2013 – 2015 | Coordinator of the 7th International Conference of Critical Geography, ICCG 2015 |
2011 – 2015 | Doctoral Dissertation “100 x Ramallah: imaginations, otherness, and (de)colonisation in antispaces of sumud, 1914-2014”, Advanced Research in Urban Systems Program, UDE |
2013 | External Researcher & Ex-Post Evaluator: German Development Bank, KfW |
2011 – 2014 | Consultant: I CAN MOVE community dance Project at Youth, Art and Levante |
2010 – 2011 | Outreach Consultant & Researcher: Prosper Palestine, Ministry of Economy, Palestinian Authority |
2008 – 2010 | Masters dual degree “International Cooperation in Urban Development”, TU-Darmstadt and “Housing, Urbanisation & Sustainability in Development Context”, UIC Barcelona |
2008 | Assistant Researcher in external evaluation mission: LASUR-EPFL & German Development Bank, KfW |
2007 – 2008 | Architect & Researcher: Bethlehem Area Conservation & Management Plan, UNESCO |
2007 | External Researcher & Ex-Post Evaluator: German Development Bank, KfW |
2006 – 2008 | Coordinator: Shurouq Cultural Center, Peace and Freedom Youth Forum, Palestine |
2001 – 2006 | Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, Birzeit University, Palestine |
2019 – 2022 | Critical Mapping in Municipalist Movements (CMMM) – Robert Bosch Stiftung (SPIELRAUM) |
2018 – 2020 | Mapping for Change? Critical cartography approaches to drive socio-environmental urban transformations. – Volkswagen Stiftung |
2017 – 2023 | GenUrb – Urbanization, Gender, and the Global South: a transformative knowledge network – The City Institute at York University (CITY), Toronto (supported by: SSHRC, Canada) |
2016 – 2017 |
Walking Debates: Nairobi and Berlin | IASS Potsdam |
2013, 2007, 2008 | External Researcher & Ex-Post Evaluator: German Development Bank, KfW |
2011 – 2015 | Doctoral Dissertation “100 x Ramallah: imaginations, otherness, and (de)colonisation in antispaces of sumud, 1914-2014” |
since 2018 | Visiting Professor (Vertretungsprofessur) Urban Design, Dessau International Architecture (DIA) / Hochschule Anhalt, with the weekly Lecture Series “Urbanism” and a Masters level Design Studio. |
2018 | Guest Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) within the “Urbanism Studies” Masters Program, for the module “International Placemaking Studio – Rethinking the Public Realm”, with the Studio “Placemaking Berlin: Bundesallee” |
2017 | Guest Lecturer at the Global Politics Seasonal School in Jordan “Cities in Global Times: Perspectives from the MENA Region and Europe”, organised by the Free University, Berlin and the German Jordanian University, Amman, with the module “Envisioning Urban Governance Anew”. |
2016 | Guest Trainer on concepts of re-claiming urban space at the workshop on pedagogical tools and dance therapy by Yante in Palestine, with the module “TAYSEER: The Walk/Working Class” |
2014 | Guest Lecturer at the TU-Darmstadt “International Cooperation in Urban Development” Masters Program, with the module “Urbanism as Medium of Contestation: State (un-)Making, Uncertainty, and Development through Civic Economies” |
2013 | Guest Lecturer at the Master’s Degree in Urban Systems, UDE, with the module “Urban Conflict Management – identification, analysis, mediation & moderation” |
2012 | Guest Trainer at Yante I CAN MOVE training of trainers program with the module “Communication Skills and Project-Team Coordination” |
Awards & Scholarships
2011 | Hans Böckler Stiftung Promotionsförderungsprogramm, 36-month scholarship for conducting the doctoral research. |
2010 | ARUS: Advanced Research in Urban Systems, UDE, 6-month scholarship to commence doctoral research. |
2008 | European Union – Erasmus Mundus Urbano (Double-Masters) Scholarship. |
– For awards and scholarships earlier than 2008 please get in contact –
Talks & Workshops
2019 / Toronto | Presentation: Bring back “small politics’ into knowledge production, at “Feminist Explorations of Urban Futures” International Conference, City Institute, York University. |
2019 / Athens | Presentation: Ram•allah: The Watchtower. GenUrb Panel and Workshop “September in the City: Rhythms in the making of lives and cities”, ICCG 2019 |
2018 / London | Presentation: Forging Solidarity, Taking a Stand on Palestine, with Dr. Omar Jabary Salamanca at the “Conferencing the International. Spaces of Modern Internationalism” conference by The University of Nottingham at the Royal Geographical Society. |
2018 / Berlin | Curator and moderator | Roundtable “The Power of Mapping” @ Urbanize! Festival Berlin | ZK/U |
2018 / Ramallah | Curator and moderator | Roundtable “Women make cities: how to centralise our visions and roles?”, GenUrb Project, at Khalil alSakakini Cultural Center. |
2018 / Ramallah | Presentation: Reconfiguring Antispaces in Ramallah, at the “Towards Anti-Hegemonic Knowledge Paradigms: Space, Place, Mobility and Power” Conference, Birzeit University. |
2017 / Berlin | Participant: 24-Stunden Workshop “Spielraum – Urbane Transformationen gestalten” | Robert Bosch Stiftung |
2017 / Madaba | Presentation: Reconfiguring Antispaces in Ramallah, at the “Reclaiming Public Space in Metropolitan Areas” Conference, German Jordanian University. |
2017 / Berlin | Host and curator (with Katleen De Flander) “Walking Debate: Berlin” @ Global Soil Week 2017 |
2016 / Nairobi | Host and curator (with Katleen De Flander) “Walking Debate: Nairobi” @ African Soil Seminar |
– For talks and workshops earlier than 2016 please get in contact –
- De Flander, K and Aruri, N. (2017). Catalyzing SDG Implementation Through a Soil and Land Review: Urban Layer. Global Soil Week 2017, Final Report. pp 69-73.
- Khoury, C. Hourany, F. Dagher, A. Ghadban, A., Aruri, N. and Arouri, N (eds. 2017).Tayseer: Recounting an Engeged Story Yet-to-be Twinned. Third Dimension Press.
- Aruri, N. (2015). 100 x Ramallah: imaginations, otherness, and (de)colonisation in antispaces of sumud, 1914-2014. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Duisburg Essen.
- Aruri, N. (2015). Rediscovering Little Sins: Palestinianhood, Disobedience, and Ramallah. RLS Pal Papers. Nov. 2015, pp 1-9.
- Aruri, N. (2014). Reinforcing Social De-Development: Spatial Annihilation as Essential to Zionism. This Week In Palestine, special issue. Sep.2014. pp 32-37.
- Aruri, N. (2013). Ramallah: from ‘Sumud’ [resilience] to corporate identity. Planum. The Journal of Urbanism, n.26, vol. 1/2013. pp 1-13.
- Aruri, N. (2011). The Development of Ramallah: Between Geopolitics and Transmogrification IN: Mendoza, C., Ngulube, M., Colacios, R. (eds). Reflections on Development and Cooperation. Barcelona: Universidad International de Catalunya (ESARQ), pp. 43-52.
- Aruri, N. (2010). Ramallah: The Lofty Haven. Post-Oslo Urban Development Processes: the inclusive city or the divorcing translocality? Masters Thesis, TU-Darmstadt & UIC, Barcelona.
- Steering Committee Member, @GenUrb: „Urbanization, gender, and the global south: a transformative knowledge network“ (GenUrb)
- Steering Committee Member, International Critical Geographers Group (ICGG)