Anna Bednarczyk, M.Sc.

Anna Bednar­czyk, M.Sc.

Scien­tific Staff | 

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since 10/2020
Wissen­schaft­liche Mitar­bei­terin am Institut für Stadt- und Regio­nal­pla­nung (ISR) an der TU Berlin, Koor­di­na­torin des Dualen Master­stu­di­en­gangs Urban Plan­ning and Mobility
tarbei­terin am Institut für Stadt- und Regio­nal­pla­nung (ISR) an der TU Berlin, Koor­di­na­torin des Dualen Master­stu­di­en­gangs Urban Plan­ning and
tarbei­terin am Institut für Stadt- und Regio­nal­pla­nung (ISR) an der TU Berlin, Koor­di­na­torin des Dualen Master­stu­di­en­gangs Urban Plan­ning Resear her

Ph.D. candi­date in Socio­logy at Graduate School for Social Rese­arch | Polish Academy of Sciences

2022 Orga­nizer of the event ‚Femi­nist City – theory and praxis | World Urban Forum in Katowice
2020 Evaluator in the project ‚Empower­ment educa­tion of girls and young women, through educa­ting youth educa­tors and crea­ting girls center. | Auto­nomia Foundation
2019 – 2020 Evaluator in the project ‚Empower­ment educa­tion of girls and young women, through educa­ting youth educa­tors and crea­ting girls center. |Auto­nomia Foundation
2017 – 2018 Head of the project ‚My City. My Voice‘ | Goethe Insti­tute: – initia­ting, desig­ning, and mana­ging a project for girls and young women on urban safety in Krakow
2018 project coor­di­nator | NGO Give Some­thing Back to Berlin
2013 – 2015 Faci­li­tator of parti­ci­pa­tory processes; ‑desig­ning metho­do­logy and faci­li­ta­ting parti­ci­pa­tory processes in three projects in Krakow: Districts are plan­ning (parti­ci­pa­tory urban gover­nance), Let’s make culture (youth parti­ci­pa­tion in reforming cultural centers), Social and Spatial Revi­ta­liza­tion of Margi­na­lized Housing Estates in Krakow (first parti­ci­pa­tory revi­ta­liza­tion program in Poland), ‑faci­li­ta­ting the first edition of parti­ci­pa­tory budge­ting in Krakow
09/2014 MA in Socio­logy | Thesis: Role and social meanings of Library Parks in the process of urban trans­for­ma­tion of margi­na­lized districts in Medellín | Jagiel­lo­nian Univer­sity, Kraków, Poland; graduated with distinction.
01/2014 MA in Sustainable Urban Gover­nance and Peace | United Nations-mandated Univer­sity for Peace | the title granted based on the intern­ship in NGO La Ciudad Verde in Medellín
06/2011 BA in Socio­logy | Jagiel­lo­nian Univer­sity, Kraków, Poland
07/2010 Minor in Deve­lo­p­ment Studies | Free Univer­sity of Amsterdam


ongoing DAAD Rese­arch Grants | One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candi­dates. Funded by German Academic Exch­ange Service in KLAB at the Insti­tute of Urban and Regional Plan­ning | TU Berlin
ongoing Rese­arch Grant | The spatia­lity of urban safety and care. The quali­ta­tive study of young women’s life trajec­to­ries in Argen­tina‘ funded by the Polish National Science Centre
ongoing Rese­arch Consul­tant | NGO CISCSA Ciudades Femi­nistas in Argentina
ongoing Board Member of the Euro­pean Socio­lo­gical Asso­cia­tion Rese­arch Network 37 | Urban Sociology
10/2017 – 01/2018 Rese­arch Fellow­ship at the Insti­tute for Housing and Habitat, the National Univer­sity of Córdoba | funded by The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellow­ship Fund


Talks & Workshops
2022 Milano Walking home alone. Metho­do­lo­gical chal­lenges to rese­ar­ching gendered dimen­sion of urban safety at the confe­rence „New chal­lenges to femi­nism and gender rese­arch“ mid-term confe­rence of ESA Rese­arch Network 33 Women’s and Gender Studies
2022 Milano The libe­ra­ting potential(s) of care. Case of femi­nist social move­ments in Argen­tina at the „11th Euro­pean Femi­nist Rese­arch Confe­rence“ orga­nized by The Euro­pean Asso­cia­tion for Gender Rese­arch, Educa­tion and Documentation
2018 Belgrade Safer cites as women’s movement’s agenda. Case study of Córdoba, Argen­tina at the confe­rence “Moving Beyond Resistance”
2017 Athens Rede­fi­ning public spaces as an answer to urban crises in Medellin at the confe­rence of the Euro­pean Socio­lo­gical Asso­cia­tion “(Un)making Europe: Capi­ta­lism, Soli­da­ri­ties, Subjectivities”
2016 Krakow Urban spaces of social trans­for­ma­tion – a case study of Medellin at the ESA Rese­arch Network 37 – Urban Socio­logy – Midterm Confe­rence “Moving cities: Contested views on urban life”


  • 2022 – ‘We are here to care’: Gendered urban safety in Argen­tina in „Care and the City. Encoun­ters with Urban Studies“; Gabauer, A., Knier­bein, S., Cohen, N., Lebuhn, H., Trogal, K., Viderman, T., Haas, T. (Eds.). 65–75. Routledge
  • 2019 – Gender and Safety – utopias about inclu­sive cities in “Femi­nist Utopias in Action. 100 years of voting rights for women in Poland”; Slany et al. (Eds.), Jagiel­lo­nian Univer­sity Press, co-author
  • 2018 – Safety of girls and young women in cites – critical discourse analysis. Example of Krakow in “Hori­zons and perspec­tives in the educa­tional equity”; ed. Piekarski, Sałapa; Scien­tific Publi­shing House Katedra, in Polish
  • 2017 – Why Does Demo­cracy Need Parti­ci­pa­tion? Parti­ci­pa­tory Budge­ting in Medellin, Colombia and Krakow, Poland in the “Exper­ti­sa­tion and Demo­cracy in Europe”; ed. Góra et al., Rout­ledge, co-author