Anna Bednarczyk, M.Sc.
Scientific Staff |
Raum: B 106
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since 10/2020 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR) an der TU Berlin, Koordinatorin des Dualen Masterstudiengangs Urban Planning and Mobility tarbeiterin am Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR) an der TU Berlin, Koordinatorin des Dualen Masterstudiengangs Urban Planning and tarbeiterin am Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR) an der TU Berlin, Koordinatorin des Dualen Masterstudiengangs Urban Planning Resear her Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at Graduate School for Social Research | Polish Academy of Sciences |
2022 | Organizer of the event ‚Feminist City – theory and praxis | World Urban Forum in Katowice |
2020 | Evaluator in the project ‚Empowerment education of girls and young women, through educating youth educators and creating girls center. | Autonomia Foundation |
2019 – 2020 | Evaluator in the project ‚Empowerment education of girls and young women, through educating youth educators and creating girls center. |Autonomia Foundation |
2017 – 2018 | Head of the project ‚My City. My Voice‘ | Goethe Institute: – initiating, designing, and managing a project for girls and young women on urban safety in Krakow |
2018 | project coordinator | NGO Give Something Back to Berlin |
2013 – 2015 | Facilitator of participatory processes; -designing methodology and facilitating participatory processes in three projects in Krakow: Districts are planning (participatory urban governance), Let’s make culture (youth participation in reforming cultural centers), Social and Spatial Revitalization of Marginalized Housing Estates in Krakow (first participatory revitalization program in Poland), -facilitating the first edition of participatory budgeting in Krakow |
09/2014 | MA in Sociology | Thesis: Role and social meanings of Library Parks in the process of urban transformation of marginalized districts in Medellín | Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland; graduated with distinction. |
01/2014 | MA in Sustainable Urban Governance and Peace | United Nations-mandated University for Peace | the title granted based on the internship in NGO La Ciudad Verde in Medellín |
06/2011 | BA in Sociology | Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland |
07/2010 | Minor in Development Studies | Free University of Amsterdam |
ongoing | DAAD Research Grants | One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates. Funded by German Academic Exchange Service in KLAB at the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning | TU Berlin |
ongoing | Research Grant | The spatiality of urban safety and care. The qualitative study of young women’s life trajectories in Argentina‘ funded by the Polish National Science Centre |
ongoing | Research Consultant | NGO CISCSA Ciudades Feministas in Argentina |
ongoing | Board Member of the European Sociological Association Research Network 37 | Urban Sociology |
10/2017 – 01/2018 | Research Fellowship at the Institute for Housing and Habitat, the National University of Córdoba | funded by The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund |
Talks & Workshops
2022 Milano | Walking home alone. Methodological challenges to researching gendered dimension of urban safety at the conference „New challenges to feminism and gender research“ mid-term conference of ESA Research Network 33 Women’s and Gender Studies |
2022 Milano | The liberating potential(s) of care. Case of feminist social movements in Argentina at the „11th European Feminist Research Conference“ organized by The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation |
2018 Belgrade | Safer cites as women’s movement’s agenda. Case study of Córdoba, Argentina at the conference “Moving Beyond Resistance” |
2017 Athens | Redefining public spaces as an answer to urban crises in Medellin at the conference of the European Sociological Association “(Un)making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities” |
2016 Krakow | Urban spaces of social transformation – a case study of Medellin at the ESA Research Network 37 – Urban Sociology – Midterm Conference “Moving cities: Contested views on urban life” |
- 2022 – ‘We are here to care’: Gendered urban safety in Argentina in „Care and the City. Encounters with Urban Studies“; Gabauer, A., Knierbein, S., Cohen, N., Lebuhn, H., Trogal, K., Viderman, T., Haas, T. (Eds.). 65-75. Routledge
- 2019 – Gender and Safety – utopias about inclusive cities in “Feminist Utopias in Action. 100 years of voting rights for women in Poland”; Slany et al. (Eds.), Jagiellonian University Press, co-author
- 2018 – Safety of girls and young women in cites – critical discourse analysis. Example of Krakow in “Horizons and perspectives in the educational equity”; ed. Piekarski, Sałapa; Scientific Publishing House Katedra, in Polish
- 2017 – Why Does Democracy Need Participation? Participatory Budgeting in Medellin, Colombia and Krakow, Poland in the “Expertisation and Democracy in Europe”; ed. Góra et al., Routledge, co-author