Dr.-Ing. Katleen
de Flander
Scientific Staff |
Raum: B 105
Tel: 030 – 314 28157
Fax: 030 – 314 28153
since 2018 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin @ K LAB | ISR Institute for Urban and Regional Planning | TU Berlin. |
2011-2017 | Research Associate @ IASS Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam |
2013-2016 | PhD @ Chair of Urbanism and Habitat | ISR Institute for Urban and Regional Planning | TU Berlin | Dissertation: Re-organising the Urban Stratum |
2010-2011 | Researcher @ RiBuilT Research Institute for the BuilT environment of Tomorrow | ZUYD University (NL) |
2009-2010 | Project Manager @ Centre of Sustainable Building CEDUBO, Flanders (BE) |
2007 | Researcher @ Klinckenberg Consultants (NL) |
2005-2006 | Researcher @ Urban Environment Group | Wageningen University (NL) |
2003–2005 | Master in Urban Environmental Management @ Urban Environment Group | Wageningen University (NL) | MSc Thesis: The role of Bamboo in Global Modernity: from Traditional to Innovative Construction Material |
2001 | Postgraduate programme @ Bauhaus Kolleg | Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau |
1998-2003 | Architect @ various architecture offices (USA, SA, BE) |
1993-1998 | Master in Architecture @ University of Art and Science, Ghent (BE) | MSc Thesis: Rethinking Südraum Leipzig |
2018-2020 | Mapping for Change? Critical cartography approaches to drive socio-environmental urban transformations (Funded by: VolkswagenStiftung) | K LAB | TU Berlin |
2019-2022 | New Approaches to Urban Transformation: Critical Mapping in Municipalist Movements (Funded by: Robert Bosch Stiftung) | K LAB | TU Berlin |
2015-2016 | Critical Dialogues Series – The New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’ (01: Overriding the Urban/Non-Urban Divide, 02: Different Urbanisations, and 03: UN Data) | IASS Potsdam |
2016 and 2017 | Walking Debates: Nairobi and Berlin | IASS Potsdam |
2013-2016 | Dissertation: Re-organising the Urban Stratum | TU Berlin |
2014-2016 | Pressure-Point Strategy: Leverages for Urban Systemic Transformation| IASS Potsdam |
2011-2014 | Closed Cycles – Open City | IASS Potsdam |
2010-2011 | SREX project – Synergy between Regional Planning and Exergy | RiBuilt | ZUYD University (NL) |
2009-2010 | INTERREG (Euregio) project SIS – Sustainable Industrial Sites | CEDUBO Flanders (BE) |
2007 | Bio-based Raw Materials: Opportunities for Regional Initiatives in southeast Netherlands | Klinckenberg Consultants (NL) |
2005-2006 | Urban Harvest | Urban Environment Group |Wageningen University (NL) |
2004-2005 | The role of Bamboo in Global Modernity: from Traditional to Innovative Construction Material | Fieldwork: Eje Cafetero, Colombia | Urban Environment Group |Wageningen University (NL) |
Guest lecturer “Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice” | ISR | TU Berlin |
Wettbewerbe & Auszeichnungen
Vorträge & Workshops
Berlin |
Host, curator and moderator | Roundtable “The Power of Mapping” @ Urbanize! Festival Berlin | ZK/U |
Berlin |
24-Stunden Workshop “Spielraum – Urbane Transformationen gestalten” | Robert Bosch Stiftung |
Stuttgart |
Invited external expert and workshop input/organisation (with Andrew Karvonen and Niko Schäpke) “Space, scale and time as key dimensions of configuring urban real world labs” @ Interkolloquium BaWü-Labs |
Berlin |
Host and curator (with Natasha Aruri) “Walking Debate: Berlin” @ Global Soil Week 2017 |
Nairobi |
Host and curator (with Natasha Aruri) “Walking Debate: Nairobi” @ Africal Soil Seminar |
Dresden |
Invited talk “How Urban Space influences our Decisions” @ Umundu Festival |
Berlin |
Host, curator and moderator | Results workshop “Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’ – Dialogue.03: UN Data” | IASS |
Berlin |
Host, curator and moderator | Production workshop “Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’ – Dialogue.03: UN Data” |
Wuppertal |
Presentation “Pressure Points: from intuitive practice to strategy” @ IST Conference |
Berlin |
Host, curator and moderator | Co-design workshop “Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’ – Dialogue.03: UN Data” |
Berlin |
Curation and moderation (with Oscar Schmidt) | Dialogue session “No 2 without 11: The Urban Side of Food and Nutrition Security” @ Conference “Jump Starting the SDGs in Germany – Natural Resources and Sustainable Consumption and Production” |
Berlin |
Host, curator and intro | Public debate “Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’ – Dialogue.02: Different Urbanisations” | ANCB |
Berlin |
Host, curator and moderator | LAB “Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’ – Dialogue.02: Different Urbanisations | Spreefeld |
Bonn |
Co-host, intro and moderator | Workshop “Living Labs – a Tool for Transformation on the Ground” @ BCGT Bonn Conference for Global Transformation |
20.04.2015 | Host, curator and moderator | Public debate “Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’ – Dialogue.01: Overriding the urban/non-urban divide” @ Global Soil Week 2015 |
Seoul |
Presentation “Urban Pressure Points”@ ICLEI World Congress Researchers’ Symposium |
Potsdam |
Curator and Moderator (with Jeb Brugmann) | Peer-review meeting and expert workshop “Urban Pressure Point Method – Leverages for Urban Transformation” | IASS |
Kassel |
Invited talk: “Re-organising Urban Systems” @ Symposium: “Stadt und Region – Reallabore der resilienzorentierten Transformation” | Uni Kassel |
Bonn |
Think Tank “Towards Habitat III” @ side event ICLEI Resilient City Conference |
Bonn |
Workshop: inception “Productive City Consortium” |
Hannover |
Invited talk: “Re-organising Urban Systems” @ ICLEI Global Town Hall @ Metropolitan Solutions |
Amsterdam |
Invited talk: “Re-organising Urban Systems” @ European Strategy Workshop Sustainable Cities | Eco-Innovera / RVO |
Berlin |
Podium discussant @ event “Null Müll – eine Vision für Kommunen?” | Heinrich Böll Stiftung |
Berlin |
Roundtable: feedback on a ‘Land Use Planning Workshop’ that aims to bring about a German-Colombian cooperation in the context of land management issues in Colombia | Colombian Embassy |
Berlin |
Intro and moderator | Conference session “How to re-activate Soil Functions in Urban Regions” @ Global Soil Week 2013 |
Potsdam |
Panel discussant “Building Urban Resilience, how and with whom?” (other panelists: Prof. Günter Meinert and Prof. Wu Jiang – Panel moderation: Margarita Pacheco) for Canal Capital Bogota, Colombia – Su Madre Naturaleza (TV program recorded in cooperation with Deutsche Welle) |
Berlin |
Invited talk: “Closed-Cycles Open City” @ Roundtable: relevance of urbanisation and cities in the post 2015 framework | GIZ |
Potsdam |
Curator and Moderator | Peer-review meeting and expert workshop “Closed-Cycles Open City – Urban Systems Transitions in the Anthropocene” | IASS |
Berlin |
Presentation: “Closed-Cycles Open City – Urban Systems Transitions in the Anthropocene” and conference session moderator (with Klaus Lorenz) “Urbanization: Challenges to Soil Management” @ Global Soil Week 2012 |
Bonn |
Invited talk: “Closed-Cycles Open City” @ Expert meeting: Sustainable development in rapidly growing cities and regions | PT-DLR |
De Flander, Katleen (2017): Re-organising the Urban Stratum. Dissertation TU Berlin.
De Flander, K., Ayala Cortés, J. (Eds.) (2017): FIELD WORK 3: UN Data. Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’. Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS. (complimentary videos here and here)
De Flander, K. and Brugmann, J. (2017): Pressure-Point Strategy: Leverages for Urban Systemic Transformation. Sustainability 9 (99).
Gumprecht, J., De Flander, K., Ayala Cortés, J. (Dir.) (2015): LAB2: Different Urbanisations. Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’. Video Documentation. Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS.
De Flander, K., Ayala Cortés, J. (Eds.) (2015): LAB2: Different Urbanisations. Critical Dialogues Series: the New Urban Agenda ‘on the ground’. Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS.
De Flander, K. (2015): The Urban Stratum. IN: Fragile Beauty, edited by Antonia Stolz, Ioan Brumer, and Manuel Rivera. Berlin: Round not Square.
De Flander, K. (2015): Closed Cycles – Open City. IN: Johnson, C., Toly, N., Schroeder, H. (Eds.), The Urban Climate Challenge: Rethinking the Role of Cities in the Global Climate Regime, (Cities and Global Governance ; 4), New York, NY [u.a.] : Routlegde, p. 37-62.
De Flander, K. (2014 online, 2017): Operationalizing holistic urban concepts. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 7, 1, p.141-144.
De Flander, K., Hahne, U., Kegler, H., Lang, D., Lucas, R., Schneidewind, U., Simon, K.-H., Singer-Brodowski, M., Wanner, M., Wiek, A. (2014): Resilienz und Reallabore als Schlüsselkonzepte urbaner Transformationsforschung. Zwölf Thesen. – GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 23, 3, p. 284-286.
De Flander, K. (2013): Resource-Centered Cities and the Opportunity of Shrinkage. IN: Khare, A., Beckman, T. (Eds.), Mitigating Climate Change. The Emerging Face of Modern Cities, Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, p. 45-57.
Rovers R., De Flander K., Gommans L., Broers W. (2011) Designing for only energy: suboptimisation. IN: Bodart M. and A. Evrard (Eds.) Architecture & Sustainable Development. Proceedings vol. 1 PLEA 2011, 27th Int. Conf. on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (July 2011). pp. 45-50. UCL Presses universitaires de Louvain.
Rovers R., Broers W., De Flander K., Rovers V. (2011). Space-time of solar radiation as guiding principle for energy ánd materials choices. World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 – Sweden Sustainable cities and regions (SRC) 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden. WREC 2011 proceedings, Linköping University Electronic Press.
De Flander, K. (2010): Towards 0-impact industrial sites: a 0-impact tool. IN: compilation book of the SB10 conference October 2010 “Towards 0-impact Buildings and Built Environments” Amsterdam: Techne Press. ISBN: 978-90-8594-028-9.
De Flander, K., Rovers, R. (2009): One laminated bamboo-frame house per hectare per year. Construction and Building Materials, 23 p. 210-218.