Is Berlin… a Walkable City?
Dozent*innen: Anto­nella Radicchi
WiSe 2020/21
FG Ökonomie (Prof. Suwala)

An exami­na­tion in three case studies.
Coll­ec­tive defi­ni­tion origi­na­ting from the work done in the project-studio: A walkable city combines the charac­te­ristics of a walkable space into a larger, well-connected network of pede­strian paths, plazas and social spaces that allows people to reach their desti­na­tion without delay or detour and can be unders­tood intui­tively. Great conside­ra­tion is given to sensory appeal and place­ma­king. Public transit and shared mobi­lity options are readily acces­sible. Buil­dings are desi­gned to be open to and interact with the public realm where desi­rable; zoning supports diverse uses within each neighborhood.
