Urban Design Methods & Tools I WiSe 2022/23
WiSe 2022/23

M5.2 (SRP) / P1 (UD)


LV-Nr.: 06361300 L27
Umfang: 4 SWS / 6 ECTS
Typ: Integ. Veranstaltung
Sprache: EN

from 26.10.2022
WE. 10-14h (weekly)
Raum: Online

Onlinekurs – Hinweise zur Teilnahme


Diese Veranstaltung findet online auf der Lernplattf#orm ISIS statt.

Der Kurs wird bald für die Anmeldung freigeschaltet.

UD M&T 1 focuses on methods and tools of the four root disciplines (Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, and Sociology) of the UD Master; and possibilities of their integration. It consists of sequences with methodological and theoretical input alternating with practical examples and exercises. The aim is to significantly mix methods and tools and give a broad overview of different methods and tools – mirroring the interdisciplinary nature of the UD-Master program. This means that access to the various disciplines and relevant skills is ensured, but also that the courses are interactive and practical as therein we will deal with concrete tasks in the Berlin area.

The winter-term is divided into 

  •  1: Methods and Tools FOR SPACE ANALYSES,
  • 3: Methods and Tools FOR DESIGN & RESEARCH (BY DESIGN)

The semester after (summer term) the course continues with UD M&T 2.

Abbildung: © Labor K