Smart People & Urban Commoning
Symposium "Beware of Smart People"
2014 – 2016

The symposium „Beware of Smart People“ addressed the conflictual reality in which Smart City approaches are currently unfolding. International scholars and practitioners:


  1. Reflected on the „Smart City“ as a contested paradigm;
  2. Shifted the discourse towards the notion of the urban as co-produced by many voices;
  3. Attempted to redefine „Smart City“ by putting ordinary citizens as „Smart People“ at the core of the debate.
  • Funding
    TU Dialogplattform
  • Researchers
    Andreas Brück
    Prof. Dr. Angela Million
  • Partners
    TU Dialogplattform
    MakeCity Festival
  • Publications
    Stollmann, Jörg / Wolf, Konrad / Brück, Andreas / Frank, Sybille / Million, Angela / Misselwitz, Philipp / Schlaack, Johanna / Schröder, Carolin (Hrsg.) (2016): Beware of smart people! Redefining the smart city paradigm towards inclusive urbanism. Proceedings of the 2015 “Beware of Smart People!” symposium.
    ISBN 978-3-7983-2846-4 (print) / ISBN 978-3-7983-2847-1 (online)
  • Courses
    Dialogische Veranstaltungsreihe „Smart People & Urban Commoning“ | WiSe 2014 | Dozent: Andreas Brück
Titelbild: Occupy Central, Hong Kong 2014 © Marc Latzel