Nordic Urban Spaces
Inspi­ra­tions for City & Place
Jul – Sep 2018
The exhi­bi­tion Nordic Urban Spaces was curated by the Insti­tute of Urban and Regional Plan­ning at the tech­nical univer­sity Tech­ni­sche Univer­sität (TU) Berlin. Moreover diffe­rent Nordic centers for archi­tec­ture were involved in the plan­ning process. The curator group chose 41 best prac­tice projects from the five Nordic count­ries corre­spon­ding to diffe­rent themes that had been agreed upon during a work­shop with the Embas­sies: how to incor­po­rate nature into the city and bring the public out into the wilder­ness; how to provide bright light and radiant colors in the long and dark winter months; how the public – inclu­ding children, animals and plants – can be involved in the deve­lo­p­ment of their cities; how to open up buil­dings for public and common use all year round and expe­ri­ment with alter­na­tive forms of living and living toge­ther through coura­geous func­tional mixes. Various archi­tec­tural offices were cont­acted and asked whether they wanted to parti­ci­pate. The feed­back was very posi­tive and diffe­rent mate­rials such as pictures, drawings, films, books and models were sent in to form this unique exhi­bi­tion. The exhi­bi­tion archi­tec­ture was desi­gned by our part­ners from TU Berlin and built by a local manu­fac­turer. No new furni­ture was built for the exhi­bi­tion and almost all the mate­rial used was recy­cled from former exhi­bi­tions. The exhi­bi­tion and the supporting program attracted almost 22.000 visi­tors to Felle­shus, an average of 252 visi­tors per day. This figure easily matches the numbers from the last Nordic exhi­bi­tions in Felleshus.

Project Team

Andreas Brück
Zuzana Tabackova
Angela Million


Nordi­sche Botschaften Berlin