Place-Based Urban Tools (PBUT) and the Dynamics of Municipal Administrative Decentralization in the Global South and North, Examining Local Practitioner’s Political and Economic Capital

02.+03. February 2024

Kursleitung: Mitchell De Sousa

In this concise module, students primarily specializing in Urban Planning, Architecture, and Urban Economy are extended a warm invitation to participate in a roundtable discussion.

The aim is to explore the pivotal role played by Municipal States in today’s globally interconnected and decentralized landscape. Across Western countries in the Global North and Western-influenced regions of the Global South, particularly in Latin America, diverse planning traditions have evolved. These traditions trace their roots to the principles and legacy of the French civil code, intertwined with the emergence of democratic systems.

The stages of capitalism that have consciously shaped the prevailing hegemonic discourse have, in turn, molded the relationships between individuals and their respective states. Currently, these diverse planning traditions find themselves in conflict with regional and political power structures, as regional development increasingly concentrates within urban centers due to globalization. An ongoing debate surrounds the role of clusters in planning theory. The primary objective in this brief seminar is to comprehend the constraints municipalities encounter in an increasingly globalized world. The focus is on shedding light on the political elements they retain and how they can creatively leverage their legal and managerial frameworks to navigate contemporary challenges.

This seminar serves to highlight the contrasting planning traditions between the Global North and Global South, with a particular focus on Latin America. It will explore the various place-based strategies and tools that municipalities can employ independently of central government oversight. These tools encompass concepts like Land Value Capture, Upzoning, and Rights of Pre-Emption. These tools are essential for mid-sized and upper-middle-sized cities seeking resilience in the face of regional development pressures, reducing their dependence on nation-states.

Enthusiastic participation from students in this engaging exploration of municipal roles and the dynamic world of urban planning traditions is anticipated. Together, the complexities and possibilities that lie within our evolving urban landscapes will be unraveled.


– You will receive details and further information about the shedule from the lecturer a few days before the start date

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