Commu­nity Design: Iden­ti­fying the Charac­te­ristics of Commu­nity Spaces in Berlin

6. + 7. Januar 2023

Kurs­lei­tung: Viviana Dorfman

The idea of the course is to look at community/neighborhood spaces in Berlin and iden­tify what it means to be a commu­nity space. What spaces initiate meaningful inter­ac­tion? Which spaces offer resi­dents a place they can iden­tify with and feel part of? What are some bene­fits of having commu­nity?

After reading lite­ra­ture on the topic at the begin­ning, we will be brain­stor­ming of places in the city which we would define as commu­nity spaces. Then break into groups and visit some of these places. After obser­ving and writing down impres­sions we will come back toge­ther as a group and discuss our findings. Lastly, toge­ther we would create a type of booklet or zine of commu­nity buil­ding typo­lo­gies, or possible ingre­di­ents for commu­nity spaces.

The course can be held in German or in English.




– Details und weitere Infor­ma­tionen zum Kurs­blauf erhaltet Ihr von der Kurs­lei­tung wenige Tage vor dem ersten Termin –

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