Estab­li­shing a Capital City: Ankara

7. + 8. July 2023

Kurs­lei­tung: Simten Önen & Püren Bahçivan

Ankara, one of the newly planned capi­tals of the 20th century such as Islam­abad, Canberra and Brazil, repres­ents a unique situa­tion in the history of plan­ning: from shaping a new city under the influence of early Euro­pean urba­nism. When the city was declared the capital of the new Turkish Repu­blic in 1923, it became an exem­plary city in Turkey’s moder­niza­tion process, and all the neces­sary infra­struc­ture had to be built from the ground up in order to fulfill its func­tion as the capital. While support was received from Western archi­tects, the city plans and many buil­dings were desi­gned by German, Austrian and Swiss archi­tects such as Bruno Taut, Ernst Arnold Egli, Clemens Holz­meister, Hermann Jansen, Carl Chris­toph Lörcher etc.

The aim of the work­shop is to share know­ledge on exami­ning the moder­niza­tion process of Ankara through the influences of Euro­pean archi­tects. In this work­shop we will follow the traces of these archi­tects in Berlin, and discuss what they can tell us about the deve­lo­p­ment history of Ankara.

Ankara, one of the newly planned capi­tals of the 20th century such as Islam­abad, Canberra and Brazil, repres­ents a unique situa­tion in the history of plan­ning: from shaping a new city under the influence of early Euro­pean urba­nism. When the city was declared the capital of the new Turkish Repu­blic in 1923, it became an exem­plary city in Turkey’s moder­niza­tion process, and all the neces­sary infra­struc­ture had to be built from the ground up in order to fulfill its func­tion as the capital. While support was received from Western archi­tects, the city plans and many buil­dings were desi­gned by German, Austrian and Swiss archi­tects such as Bruno Taut, Ernst Arnold Egli, Clemens Holz­meister, Hermann Jansen, Carl Chris­toph Lörcher etc.

The aim of the work­shop is to share know­ledge on exami­ning the moder­niza­tion process of Ankara through the influences of Euro­pean archi­tects. In this work­shop we will follow the traces of these archi­tects in Berlin, and discuss what they can tell us about the deve­lo­p­ment history of Ankara.


– You will receive details and further infor­ma­tion to the program such as a time­table a few days in advance of the set date –

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