Enga­ging Local Commu­ni­ties: Intro­duc­tion to Parti­ci­pa­tory Rese­arch Methods

14. + 15. July 2023

Kurs­lei­tung: Anna Bednarczyk

The work­shop will be a space to discuss why and how local commu­ni­ties could be engaged in spatial inter­ven­tions. Parti­ci­pa­tory urban plan­ning, or in a wider perspec­tive, parti­ci­pa­tory urban gover­nance has been gaining a lot of atten­tion around the world. Diverse projects in terms of scale, time­line, and level of invol­vement of local commu­ni­ties have been imple­mented in our cities. The ques­tions regu­larly asked by local govern­ments, non-govern­mental orga­niza­tions, social move­ments, and urban plan­ners and archi­tects are how to get to know the problems and needs of citi­zens and make them involved in the plan­ning process.

In the work­shop, we will learn how to prepare and conduct a diagnosis of the chal­lenges and needs of the commu­ni­ties we work with. We will get to know the basic methods of social rese­arch, the diffe­rences between quali­ta­tive and quan­ti­ta­tive metho­do­lo­gies, and when to use them. By discus­sing diffe­rent examples of rese­arch we will see the most common errors in parti­ci­pa­tory social rese­arch. I would also share DIY methods of enga­ging local commu­ni­ties for grass­roots projects or local neigh­bor­hood initiatives.

No previous expe­ri­ence in social rese­arch or parti­ci­pa­tory urban processes is needed. Feel free to bring your own examples of working with local commu­ni­ties and dilemmas about enga­ging citi­zens in urban plan­ning and governance.



– You will receive details and further infor­ma­tion to the program such as a time­table a few days in advance of the set date –

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