Engaging Local Communities: Introduction to Participatory Research Methods

14. + 15. July 2023

Kursleitung: Anna Bednarczyk

The workshop will be a space to discuss why and how local communities could be engaged in spatial interventions. Participatory urban planning, or in a wider perspective, participatory urban governance has been gaining a lot of attention around the world. Diverse projects in terms of scale, timeline, and level of involvement of local communities have been implemented in our cities. The questions regularly asked by local governments, non-governmental organizations, social movements, and urban planners and architects are how to get to know the problems and needs of citizens and make them involved in the planning process.

In the workshop, we will learn how to prepare and conduct a diagnosis of the challenges and needs of the communities we work with. We will get to know the basic methods of social research, the differences between qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and when to use them. By discussing different examples of research we will see the most common errors in participatory social research. I would also share DIY methods of engaging local communities for grassroots projects or local neighborhood initiatives.

No previous experience in social research or participatory urban processes is needed. Feel free to bring your own examples of working with local communities and dilemmas about engaging citizens in urban planning and governance.



– You will receive details and further information to the program such as a timetable a few days in advance of the set date –

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