2016 – 2017

Funding: ESPON EGTC / Euro­pean Union


The purpose of this rese­arch was to explore the current dyna­mics within Europe’s regions in order to unpack the key policy factors, trends and terri­to­rial endow­ments driving the loca­tional prefe­rences of new employ­ment crea­tion. It further drew out the key policy lessons for Cohe­sion Policy in addres­sing the appa­rent contra­dic­tory forces and tensions at play in promo­ting know­ledge economy sectors as a key pathway for growth and the impact for terri­to­rial cohe­sion. Further reading.

Policy ques­tions:

  • What is the terri­to­rial pattern of new employ­ment crea­tion in Europe and how is this likely to evolve into the future based on current policy orien­ta­tions? What impact will recent trends have on the future deve­lo­p­ment of Europe’s regions?
  • How is the Euro­pean policy focus on ‘know­ledge economy’ sectors for invest­ment, jobs, and growth impac­ting on the geogra­phical distri­bu­tion of new employ­ment crea­tion and what impact does this have for regional deve­lo­p­ment and terri­to­rial cohesion?
  • What are the key policy lessons for Cohe­sion Policy and what are the oppor­tu­ni­ties for lagging regions to capi­ta­lize on their place-based poten­tials and emigrant skill base in order to capture spill­overs and to re-capture the lost skills base of emigrants and inno­vate in new sectors?


  • Isti­tuto per la Ricerca Sociale, IT (lead contractor)
  • Insti­tute for Employ­ment Studies, UK
  • Insti­tute for Regional Deve­lo­p­ment and Struc­tural Plan­ning, DE
  • Univer­sity College London, UK
  • Tech­ni­sche Univer­sität Berlin, DE

Budget: € 379,900.00

Life­time: May 2016 – December 2017

K LAB (i.e. the Karto­gra­phie­ver­bund as prede­cessor insti­tu­tion) was involved in carto­gra­phic work for the rese­arch project and parti­ci­pated in rese­arch regar­ding the case-study of Berlin.
