2016 – 2017

Funding: ESPON EGTC / European Union


The purpose of this research was to explore the current dynamics within Europe’s regions in order to unpack the key policy factors, trends and territorial endowments driving the locational preferences of new employment creation. It further drew out the key policy lessons for Cohesion Policy in addressing the apparent contradictory forces and tensions at play in promoting knowledge economy sectors as a key pathway for growth and the impact for territorial cohesion. Further reading.

Policy questions:

  • What is the territorial pattern of new employment creation in Europe and how is this likely to evolve into the future based on current policy orientations? What impact will recent trends have on the future development of Europe’s regions?
  • How is the European policy focus on ‘knowledge economy’ sectors for investment, jobs, and growth impacting on the geographical distribution of new employment creation and what impact does this have for regional development and territorial cohesion?
  • What are the key policy lessons for Cohesion Policy and what are the opportunities for lagging regions to capitalize on their place-based potentials and emigrant skill base in order to capture spillovers and to re-capture the lost skills base of emigrants and innovate in new sectors?


  • Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, IT (lead contractor)
  • Institute for Employment Studies, UK
  • Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning, DE
  • University College London, UK
  • Technische Universität Berlin, DE

Budget: € 379,900.00

Lifetime: May 2016 – December 2017

K LAB (i.e. the Kartographieverbund as predecessor institution) was involved in cartographic work for the research project and participated in research regarding the case-study of Berlin.