Belgrade 2041
Dozent: Dr.-Ing. Andreas Brück
SoSe 2022


Dozent: Dr.-Ing. Andreas Brück

Umfang: 8 SWS / 12 ECTS
Typ: Projektseminar
Sprache: EN

Start: 28.04.2022
Bi-Weekly Thursday 12-16 Uhr
Raum: B 314 (Projektraum) / SE-RH 006 (Atelier)

Based on K LAB’s research project Critical Mapping in Municipalise Movements (CMMM) this studio will be concerned with current debates on public interest in the face of mega-projects and urban transformation processes. In collaboration with local initiatives and activists from Belgrade – specifically the Kolektiv Ministarstvo Prostora (Ministry of Space Collective) – we will be designing alternative master plan scenarios for Belgrade’s waterfront. An mandatory excursion –together with the Urban Morphosis Lab (TU-Darmstadt) and Michigan State University (MSU) – is scheduled for May 16-20th 2022. For more info stay tuned and meanwhile please check out Ministarstvo Prostora’s latest YouTube-Video „Beograd 2041: Back to the Future” and the web of (specifically the BGD section).

GOAL: In this course, Belgrade Waterfront will serve as an illustration of the planning paradigm, and will be followed by the depiction of current struggles and initiatives for city spaces. Moreover, the course is designed as an imaginative exercise of future scenarios for the Belgrade waterfront site until 2041, including designing the area, understanding the role and interests of different actors, cost-benefit analysis of such a proposal, and further implications on the city development based on the proposed designs, taking into account the political, economic, environmental and cultural context, citizens‘ struggles and urgency to build a just city.

Abbildung: © Labor K