Stadt­neu­grün­dung Rhei­ni­sches Revier!
Dozentinnen: Juliane Hein­rich, Grit Bürgow, Prof. Angela Million
FG Städ­tebau (Prof. Million)

How does a new city need to look like to find answers to present and future ques­tions? Toge­ther with the Zukunfts-agentur Rhei­ni­sches Revier the Insti­tute for Urban Design of RWTH Aachen has orga­nized this year’s compe­ti­tion for the Johannes-Göde­ritz-Stif­tung raising this ques­tion. Student groups from six univer­si­ties from all over Germany took part.The plan­ning area is located in NRW in the rhenish area. This region has a long tradi­tion of lignite mining and now faces a compre­hen­sive trans­for­ma­tion process. The target of the compe­ti­tion is to plan a new city on the former mining area Garz­weiler connec­ting it to the poly­cen­tric city which is system typical for NRW. The new city should be suitable for 50.000 inha­bi­tants and provide answers to the most import-ant urban ques­tions of our time. There is a possi­bi­lity that the Olympic Games 2032 are being held in the region. Hence, one special part of the compe­ti­tion task is the imple­men­ta­tion of the Olympic village for 18.000 people as a centre point for the early deve­lo­p­ment of the fu-ture city. The project started with the analysis of diffe­rent planned cities. We continued with analy­sing the site while getting multiple inputs from experts. In January we had our midterm presen­ta­tion with first concepts and designs which we then improved for the final presen­ta­tion where the final feed­back was given. The compe­ti­tion is still ongoing and the final designs are yet to be submitted, which is why they un-fort­u­na­tely can not be displayed at the “Projekt­basar”.
