Mikroakademie SS 14

Dozentin: Caitlin Berrigan
Freitags, 06. & 13. Juni 2014

Skyline Parade: Performance, architecture & art interventions in the cityscape In this Mikrokurs, we will consider performance art in public space as a dialogue with urban planning. Together we will stage our own architecture parade as an intervention in the skylines of Berlin. Drawing from past architectural propositions for the city of Berlin through competition designs and incomplete projects, we will construct buildings-as-costumes to wear in a parade of possible urban outcomes. The first session of the Mikrokurs will be devoted to selecting these propositional buildings, then printing and constructing them into wearable costume props. Each participant will be responsible for creating at least one costume. The second session of the Mikrokurs will be devoted to parading these propositional architectures out in the city and creating new “skylines” for Berlin at chosen sites. Each participant will give creative input into the selection of these sites throughout the city, and the arrangement of buildings within the landscape. We will document our collectively choreographed skylines in a series of photographs, to form fleeting, propositional landscapes for Berlin.

Es fallen Druckkosten an bzw. wird je nach Teilnehmerzahl ein Unkostenbeitrag von etwa 10€ erwartet.
TeilnehmerInnen erhalten 1 LP. Anmeldungen zur Teilnahme (bitte mit Angabe von Name und Matr. Nr.) bis zum 05. Juni 2014 per e-mail an: a.brueck@isr.tu-berlin.de