Mikro­aka­demie SS 14

Dozentin: Caitlin Berrigan
Frei­tags, 06. & 13. Juni 2014

Skyline Parade: Perfor­mance, archi­tec­ture & art inter­ven­tions in the city­scape In this Mikro­kurs, we will consider perfor­mance art in public space as a dialogue with urban plan­ning. Toge­ther we will stage our own archi­tec­ture parade as an inter­ven­tion in the skylines of Berlin. Drawing from past archi­tec­tural propo­si­tions for the city of Berlin through compe­ti­tion designs and incom­plete projects, we will cons­truct buil­dings-as-costumes to wear in a parade of possible urban outcomes. The first session of the Mikro­kurs will be devoted to selec­ting these propo­si­tional buil­dings, then prin­ting and cons­truc­ting them into wearable costume props. Each parti­ci­pant will be respon­sible for crea­ting at least one costume. The second session of the Mikro­kurs will be devoted to para­ding these propo­si­tional archi­tec­tures out in the city and crea­ting new “skylines” for Berlin at chosen sites. Each parti­ci­pant will give crea­tive input into the selec­tion of these sites throug­hout the city, and the arran­ge­ment of buil­dings within the land­scape. We will docu­ment our coll­ec­tively choreo­gra­phed skylines in a series of photo­graphs, to form flee­ting, propo­si­tional land­scapes for Berlin.

Es fallen Druck­kosten an bzw. wird je nach Teil­neh­mer­zahl ein Unkos­ten­bei­trag von etwa 10€ erwartet.
Teil­neh­me­rInnen erhalten 1 LP. Anmel­dungen zur Teil­nahme (bitte mit Angabe von Name und Matr. Nr.) bis zum 05. Juni 2014 per e‑mail an: a.brueck@isr.tu-berlin.de